Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Welcome to Ballarat!

Last night, we were driving home from work. And, just out of the CBD, we were driving through a roundabout, we saw a ute with a trailer full of sheep! Hahaha...I thought it was the most hilarious thing in the world. I have never ever EVER seen a trailer full of sheep just within 2 kilometers from where I live. Definitely nothing like that up in Sydney, or Parramatta...let alone Mount Druitt. I told some of the people at work and I think they must think I'm strange or which planet have I been living in??...but yes...that's to say: Welcome to Ballarat!

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Friday, 15 May 2009


Now, that I've got a new job, I have suddenly realised that the time will come when I don't get to have this much time on the internet anymore, especially to read other peoples' blogs. I enjoy reading them, and I'll miss reading them just whenever I want. I also have gone to revisit the sites I haven't had the chance to read for a while. Well, when I do read them, I get into this illusion that the person who had written them may not be real. Only when I saw one of my favourite authors make comment and say something in their Facebook status did it make me realise that the concept of him/her being real person becomes all so real...with a husband and children. It somehow made them come to life. So, I wonder, do people reading my blog get into the illusion that I may not be a real person?

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I don't know what to write about.

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Tuesday, 12 May 2009


Heydi how!

I thought I'd try posting my blogs through email...

Here are the photos..

Sunday, 3 May 2009


My son was born on Thurs, 16 April 2009, 1:40pm...the same day Chris and I were moving down to Ballarat (by car). He was 22 weeks old, too young to survive. We named him Xavier Dwayne Nielsen. I love him with all my heart. And, I miss him dearly. We had the funeral on Fri, 24 April 2009...one of the saddest days of my life, but the happiest at the same time. We're happy because we know he has fulfilled his mission here. He came here to just gain a body of flesh and bones. But, no matter how much I understand about the plan of happiness, it can never take away my feeling of missing him as a mother. I pray that I will be worthy enough to get the opportunity to raise him up again in the eternities...

I'll make the time later on to tell you stories.