Ever wondered how two people end up deciding to marry each other?
Well, the same goes for the "Nielsen Butterflies." Every now and then (usually Sunday...and don't ask me why), Chris and I tend to have this habit of looking back...as in back in the days on how it all unfolded and especially looked back on our choices which made us eventually decide to marry each other. We look back on those days we said to ourselves "there's that person I really love talking to about anything, and someone I'd wanna get to know." We look back on those hundreds of emails and chat messages we sent to each other lots when we were both in opposite sides of the planet on TWO occasions. We look back on the day when I wore the ring which is symbolic of our commitment to each other...And, now I look back on a couple of hours ago, just before Chris went to TAFE, and look back on the choices I made to make him happy, etc...etc.
So, when does Eternal Marriage begin? I believe that it should begin way even before a couple gets sealed as husband and wife in the Temple. It starts on the day when we had our first date and practiced celestial dating and treating each other with respect just how you would treat your father with respect. The choices we've made from then till now has a lot of effect and will certainly greatly reflect on how our eternal marriage is going to be like. If we had treated each other with respect and love on our first date and had always been every single day we see each other, that's how it's more likely going to be after we get sealed as a husband and wife. Why? Because it's already concreted in our heads like a habit.
1. We never part from each other without saying a prayer each night. If we fail to do so, either one of us has to ring...I usually do because it only costs me 1 cent!
2. We have a habit of sharing scriptures to each other. We have a set of our own scriptures where we mark those daily scriptures, sign our names, and write a brief explanation as to why we chose that particular scripture. To date, this needs a lot of work. We did very well at one stage, but slowly diminished and is now picking up a little bit at a time.
3. We try to always keep each other updated with things happening around us...even to little things like...hmmm...my mate crashed his car.
4. We always remember to pray that our spirit children in the pre-existence will be happy about our decision to be married and to look forward to coming to the earth and learn about the gospel about their mummy & daddy...This is something we think is very, very important to both of us.
5. When he used to pick me up from the city, he has a habit of giving me a "hilot" in the train.
6. At the beginning of every week, we write our goals and things that we need to accomplish during the week. Then, we follow-up at the end of the week and ask ourselves "how did we go?"
7. We write on our journals for each other to read. (This replaced our Skype & Bebo moments when we were both on opposite sides of the planet).
8. We help each other with our weaknesses. I am very academic, so I help him with his assignments at TAFE, while he is very good with talking to people, so he helps me with my teaching and doing the tactic of *******.
9. If there is anything that concerns both of us, we talk about it straightaway.
10. Everything has to be planned and organised!!!
11. He chooses to carry my bags, open the car doors, gate, front doors, backyard doors, classroom doors, all sort of doors....or else! And, I let him :) WIN-WIN
12. Many, many other things.
So, you get the picture. These are the kind of things we just gotten a habit of doing. I don't know why, but that's what makes the Nielsen Butterflies unique, I guess. And, indeed, I'm very grateful to have him as my fiance and the person I'm going to spend my eternities with. I love him dearly, and hope to write in here again....
Matematika tolong dijawab yah kak♂️
tolong dijawab yah kak♂️ 》Bangun Ruang
28. Luas Permukaan =
= 4 × Luas segitiga + Luas Persegi
= 4 × ½ × 7 × 4 + 7 × 7
= 56 cm² + 49 cm²
= 105 cm²
1 year ago
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